Rock climbing to the south of Valencia

There are a large number of limestone rock climbing areas to the south of Valencia, including some bouldering areas.

Map of the rock climbing areas to the south of Valencia

Map of the rock climbing areas to the south of Valencia
Rock Climbing and Bouldering Areas to the South of Valencia
NoCrag NameType of ClimbingSingle or Multi-pitch
2L' AltetSportSingle
3Cova de la PetxinaSportSingle
4Barranc FondoSportSingle
5Cova dels ColomsSportSingle
6La BolaBoulderingN/A
7La MolaSport and BoulderingSingle
8Casa dels FraresSportSingle
9La FosSportSingle
10Paratge ErmitesSportSingle
11Tierra de NadieSportSingle
12Barranc de la FosSportSingle
13El BosquetSportSingle
15El BovedonSportSingle
18Tallat RoigSportSingle

All the rock climbing in this area to the south of Valencia is on limestone rock that is found in a wide variety of forms and colours. The climbing style is as diverse as the rock itself, ranging from face climbing on technical slabs, to powerful overhangs and roofs, and even some bouldering.

The largest crags are found at around the towns of Bellus (Aventador, L' Altet, Cova de la Petxina, and Barranc Fondo), Montesa (La Mola) and Gandia.

There are a number of selective guidebooks that only describe selected routes and cover a much broader geographical area than shown on the above map.  These are:

The Rockfax Costa Blanca Guidebook covers the climbing at Gandia and around the towns of Bellus and Montesa. 

The Roca Espana Costa Blanca North Guidebook covers Gandia, El Bovedon, Aventador and the crags around Bellus.

Buy rock climbing guidebooks for crags to the south of Valencia from our shop.