Rock Climbing around Brasov in Romania

The map and table below describes the different rock climbing and sport climbing areas around Brasov.

Map of the rock climbing areas around Brasov

Map of the rock climbing areas around Brasov
Rock climbing areas around Brasov
NoCragTotal No. of RoutesUp to 6a+6b to 6c+7a to 7b+7c to 8a+8b and over
2Pietrele lui Solomon6411192194
3Cheile Rasnoavei271210500
6Valea Chiva913500
7Prapastia Ursului468141383
9Crangul Ciorii17310400
11Prapastiile Zarnestilor69112517142
14Cariera din Sinaia880000
15Poiana Stanii35109961
16Valea Pelesului991522223010
17Sfanta Ana2269610

The information shown on the map and the table above has been extracted from the Rock climbing guidebook for Brasov, which is available to buy from our shop. This is the definitive guidebook that describes all the rock climbing and sport climbing around Brasov.

Brasov has witnessed a rapid development in recent years that has seen many new climbing areas opened and the majority of old ones have been re-equipped with new bolts. The rock climbing at Brasov has a good mixture of single and multi-pitch routes across all grades. Some of the best multi-pitch routes are at Cheile Rasnoavei (up to 10 pitches long), and Costila that has routes between 3 and 5 pitches long.

The best time to go rock climbing around Brasov is from May to September, though it is best to avoid June, as this is the wettest month.

Brasov does not have an international airport, so it is best to fly into either Bucharest or Sibiu airports and then hire a car. Alternatively Brasov is well connected by train from many major European cities. With regards to accommodation there are plenty of guesthouses, hotels or hostels in Brasov.

The big wall at Costila that has routes between 3 and 5 pitches long

The photograph shows the big wall at Costila that has routes between 3 and 5 pitches long.