Rock climbing at Bavella and Southern Corsica

Bavella multi-pitch adventurous rock climbing

The rock climbing in Southern Corsica is dominated by Bavella, a spectacular granite mountain range with steep summits. Though it is only 15km from the coast, this mountain massif reaches a height of almost 2,000m. The climbing at Bavella is all about adventurous multi-pitch big wall routes between 150m and 350m long, though there are some single pitch sport routes as well. Bavella comprises of a series of granite towers and needles, such as Tafunatu di Paliri and Punta di l’ Acellu, all of which are located around the Col de Bavella.

Map of the rock climbing and bouldering areas around Bavella and in Southern Corsica

Map of the rock climbing and bouldering areas around Bavella and in Southern Corsica
List of rock climbing areas in Southern Corsica
NoCragRock TypeClimbing Style
1Col de la TanaGraniteSport Climbing
2Maca CrociGraniteSport Climbing
3Valdu di SaltuGraniteBouldering
4Petra piombaGraniteSport Climbing
5ZicavuGraniteSport Climbing
6ChisaGraniteSport Climbing
7SariLimestoneSport Climbing
8ConcaLimestoneSport Climbing
9Le BarringGraniteSport Climbing
10A VaccaGraniteSport Climbing
12Piscia di GhjadduGraniteSport Climbing
14Punta di tichjonuGraniteSport Climbing
173 CavesGraniteSport Climbing
18A TyrolianaGraniteSport Climbing

Even the approaches to the multi-pitch routes at Bavella are often adventurous and complicated. This is due to a Mediterranean shrub called Maquis that grows wild and can hide paths, making a 1-hour approach into an all-day epic at worst. The rewards for all this effort are superb granite walls in a remote location. Adventure is the key word for rock climbing at Bavella even though some routes have been recently re-bolted.  These multi-pitch routes are mainly mixed routes with spaced bolts along with the need for trad gear, plus there are some routes that are purely trad.

The Bavella rock climbing guidebook describes 150 multi-pitch rock climbing routes in Bavella, with the emphasis on adventure climbing that is the norm in Bavella.  The Falaises de Corse guidebook details all the sport climbing on the island of Corsica, and covers the single pitch and double pitch routes at Bavell.  It also covers the bouldering at Valdu di Saltu.

Southern Corsica sport climbing and bouldering

There are many other climbing areas and bouldering areas in Southern Corsica as shown on the above map. These are on a mixture of limestone and granite rock, and almost exclusively single pitch routes.  Some of the larger crags are Maca Croci, Petra Piomba, and 3 Caves. The Falaises de Corse guidebook covers the sport climbing routes at all of these crags.

All the bouldering in Southern Corsica is on granite rock.  This varies between locations in the mountains at places such as Bavella, in beautiful woods at Valdu di Saltu, or by the sea at Capineru and Palombaggie.  Valdu di Saltu is the largest bouldering area in Southern Corsica with over 300 problems of all styles on abrasive granite rock, and is covered in the Falaises de Corse guidebook.

Logistics and beta for rock climbing in southern Corsica

The best time to climb at Bavella is either late spring or early autumn. The climate is a typical Mediterranean environment with hot summers and snow in the winter. The other areas in Southern Corsica that are at lower levels can be climbed from the autumn through to the spring.

The best International Airport for southern Corsica is the Aiacciu (Ajaccio) Napoleon Bonaparte Airport located in Western Corsica.