Walking in the Northern Pindus National Park

The northern Pindus National Park is the largest National Park in Greece and covers an area of 2,000 sq km.  It also includes the Zagori region plus Valia Kalda National Park, the Vikos-Aoos National Park and Vikos Gorge.  Mount Smolikas is the highest of the Pindus Mountains (2,637m high), and is the second highest mountain in Greece after Mount Olympus.  Part of the E6 European trail passes through the northern Pindus National Park.

Valia Kalda National Park

The Valia Kalda National Park is one of the most beautiful, remote places in Greece, consisting of dense forests of black pine and beach, steep cliffs, 2,000m high peaks and raging rivers. The region has a dense network of earth roads, along with a number of waymarked hiking trails, including a section of the European E6 trail. Some of the walking highlights include the peaks of Valia Kalda and Vasilitsa (location of the Greek National ski centre), the Arkoudhorema ravine section of E6 trail and of the Vasilitsa ridge. 

Zagori and Vikos-Aoos National Park

The Vikos-Aoos National Park is named after the major gorges of the area; Vikos Gorge and Aoos Gorge. It is a mountainous region with numerous rivers, lakes, caves, deep canyons, with dense coniferous and deciduous forest. The area is popular with activities including rafting, canoe-kayaking, hiking and mountain biking.

This National Park contains one of the most magnificent gorges in Europe, the spectacular Vikos Gorge that has been carved by the Voidomatis River. The main part of the Vikos Gorge is only 12km long, but it is a staggering 1,000m deep and is the second deepest gorge in the world after the Grand Canyon. The Aoos part of the park is quieter and is dominated by Mount Tymfi at 2,497m high. The northern face of Mount Tymfi plunges spectacularly from a height of 2,500m to 500m down to the River Aoos

Map of the Northern Pindus National Park

Map of the Northern Pindus National Park

The majority of the Vikos-Aoos National Park is in the Zagori region of Greece.  Zagori (Zagorohoria) is famous for 46 traditional villages and stone-built churches that are tucked high in the Pindus Mountains. Before these villages became accessible by paved road, they were connected only by mountain paths and stone bridges that have been restored to create new walking paths.

The best time to go walking in the Pindus Mountains is between May and October, as during the winter the area is covered in snow.

There are a number of walking maps and a walking guidebook that cover the northern Pindus Mountains. These are: