New Cordillera Cantabrica Sport Climbing Guidebook

The Cantabrian Mountain Range is one of the best and most beautiful places for Sport Climbing in Europe.  The climbing is situated in a triangle between the coastal towns of Gijon and Unquera and then inland to the city of Leon.  In this small area there are 95 limestone crags that are easily accessible, including some world class destinations.  These include the amazing tufas at Rumenes in the Hermida area near Unquera; Teverga and Quiros in the Valles del Trubia; Pelugano in the Asturias; along with Valdehuesa and Valle de Pedrosa near Leon.

A new Cordillera Cantabrica Sport Climbing Guidebook (revised 3rd edition) has just been published that covers the sport climbing in these Cantabrian Mountains.  In total 5,750 routes are described across a wide range of grades.  Also, what is great about the Cantabrian Mountains is that the climate is amenable to climbing throughout the year including the summer months – something that is unusual in other parts of Spain. 

Buy this Cordillera Cantabrica sport climbing guidebook.

Find out more about rock climbing in northern Spain.