Sicily Rock Climbing Guidebook - Crags (Roccia di Sole)

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Di Roccia di Sole Crags is the definitive guidebook covering all the single pitch rock climbing and sport climbing areas on the island of Sicily.  

The guidebook is split into 6 main areas covering 122 different crags, ranging from remote crags in the mountains to crags by the sea.  In total the guidebook covers many 1,000s of routes across a wide range of grades.  The 6 main climbing areas are:

  1. Trapani, including San Vito lo Capo, the largest climbing area in Sicily
  2. Palermo, crags around the capital of Sicily
  3. Siracusa on the eastern side, the 3rd largest climbing area in Sicily
  4. Ragusa on the southeast side, the 4th largest climbing area in Sicily
  5. Catania near Mount Etna
  6. Messina on the northeast side of Sicily

All the routes are shown on clear topo diagrams.  At the start of each crag there is a description of the style of climbing to be found, a location map, access information, plus a QR code for the parking areas.  Symbols then indicate altitude, exposure to the sun, how well it is bolted, how good the parking is, how popular it is, the general beauty of the crag, and the total number of routes at each grade.

Published in January 2022 by Versante Sud, this Sicily Rock Climbing Guidebook - Crags (Di Roccia di Sole) is in English text throughout.  It also includes chapters describing the bouldering and Deep Water Soling (DWS) opportunities on Sicily. 

Number of pages is 560.
Size is 150mm x 210mm (A5 format).
ISBN is 9788885475854.

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ISBN is:9788885475854
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